Combat #10 Cover
The cover to issue #10 of Dell’s Combat, originally published in 1963, as it appears on the edition supplied to ALLAN, next to how it looks once it has been thoroughly restored. All creases, blemishes and age-related deterioration have been digitally removed.
Combat #10 - War
A page from #10 of Combat comparing how it looked before and after ALLAN’s extensive digital restoration. Art by SAM GLANZMAN.
Combat #10 - Flight
A full page splash from Combat #10 comparing the image before and after digital restoration by ALLAN. Art by SAM GLANZMAN.
Combat #10 - Camp
A page from the SAM GLANZMAN-drawn backup story from Combat #10 showing the result of the extensive digital restoration process carried out by ALLAN.
Midway - From the Pages of COMBAT
The cover to the new edition of Combat #10, published in a fully-restored edition by IT’S ALIVE PRESS. There are variant cover editions available too.